Love yourself. Love whatever you do. Because a guy is much more likely to notice a girl who loves who she is. Love your looks. You don’t need to get a wardrobe make over to feel good about how you look in your clothes. Just wearing a few key items that you love make you look and feel good no matter what. Don’t need three layers makeup. Just wear whatever you pretty while staying comfortable.
Don’t keep checking your reflection in a mirror or window whenever you are out.
If a guy sees you out with friends, you will laughing , giggling and just looking like you are having a great time. Don’t be too serious be laid back and fun.
Remember if your efforts don’t succeed you have to remember that it’s not the end of the world.
Never try to rush it. Take it slow and see if it will work out.
Don’t tell your friends until you are sure that he liked you.
Be you self. Don’t act someone you’re not just to get a guy. If he only likes you if you will change he is not the right guy to you.
If you see that he needs help you can help him. eg :-he dropped a book very close to you, you can pick it up for him. He will think that you are nice and helpful. Guys really like girls like that.
Make sure not to look desperate of clingy. Get his attention but don’t follow him around.
Let him know that you have other things going on that you care about.
Don’t ask him out when you first talk to him. Don’t ask him out too fast, if you just met him you should probably get to know him first. Try to talk with him little by little and try to catch his eye. Make a good first impression. Just smile and keep things light. Learn to avoid looking stupid in front of your crush.

And flirting also necessary. Flirting is not just icing on the cake when it comes to the special guy or a girl. If you want to make sure that you want to get a guy notice you follow these things.

Harshika Lakshani

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