Beauty tips

Who doesn’t carve for that Barbie look-Long hair,Fair skin and Flawless glowing Complexion? In this article,we are covering an exhaustive list of Beauty Tips.

Simple daily Skin Care Necessities,

Our skin needs time and care for it to regenerate and leave behind the old and tired. without this, improving our skin condition and color is an absolute impossibility. This is why we need to ensure the below basics to make time for the skin to heel itself.

  • Drink lot of water.
  • Sleep well
  • Exercise
  • Follow a good skin care routine
  • Remove your makeup before your sleep

Home made Beauty Tips For Fair Skin

Tea water and Honey Face pack

  • 1 cup of tea water
  • 2 spoons of rice flour
  • ½ a spoon of honey 

Method:- Mix the above ingredients and apply on the skin. Leave it on till the mask dries.(20 minutes)Before cleaning the mask with water, make sure you massage the facial skin in circular motions, this is very important as it removes the dead skin and even skin tone. Then wash your face with cold water.

Turmeric and Lemon Face Pack
  • Gram Flour
  • Turmeric 
  • Lemon juice

Method:- Mix all the above ingredients and apply evenly on face. Scrub the paste gently on your for 5 minutes and let it dry. Once it’s dry clean your face. 

Turmeric and Tomato Face pack

  • Turmeric 
  • Tomato juice 
Method:- mix turmeric with tomato juice apply face and allow to dry. wash face with tepid water.

Natural Tips to prevent Hair Loss

1. Hot oil Treatments:- Take any natural oil – olive, coconut canola and heat it up so that it is warm, but not too hot. Massage it gently to your scalp, put on a shower cap and leave it on for an hour then shampoo your hair.

2. Get a head massage.

3. Antioxidants:- apply warm green tea on your scalp and leave this mixture on for an hour and then rinse, Green tea contains antioxidants which prevent hair loss and boost hair growth.

4. Practice medication

Tips to get rid of under eye puffiness.

1. Go potato-slice a raw potato into two and circle the closed eyes gently with those halves. Place it on your eyes so that it also covers the puffed areas under your eyes and leave it for 15-20 minutes

2. Oily help- take chilled water in a bowl and add a few of vitamin E to it, now mix the two well. Dip cotton pad in to this mixture and place on the eyes for 20 minutes.

3. Egg white- stiffly beat a few egg whites and apply it around your eyes with a brush. Leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse your face in cold water. 

4. Chilled tea bags- Moisten two tea bags in cold water and refrigerate them for a while. Then place them over 25-30 minutes. Lie back and relax. Finish by washing your eyes and face with cold water. 

Things to eat to lose weight

1. Opt for skimmed milk-Milk and its products are rich in calcium and can help to keep your bones strong. Skimmed milk, low fat cheese and yogurt help to break down fat cells.

2. Bean it-foods that are high in fiber and are good sources of protein can help you feel full for a very lone time. And that will help you control unnecessary binging

3. Snack on nuts through the day-Stay away from fried and salted nuts but you can munch on raw unsalted ones. Almonds and walnuts.

4. Go for the grain-grains have complex of carbohydrates which during digestion release glucose slowly. The fiber and vitamins in them play an important role too.

Written by: Harini Rangala

1 comment:

  1. Can I see a transformation picture please.i am a huge fan of you. Thank you for the social service.
