The most memorable & lovely era of any one’s life is no argument, the school life,simply because what we experienced, weird things we did ,will give an endless smile to your face anytime. As owners of such a fantastic school life, for us, life was school, & its heart beat was our western band.

As members of the band we always used to murmur, “if there is no band in heaven, we are not going there”. Simply ,we were ready to die for it , Of course still we are.
Being inspired by the sight of our sisters playing & marching, we stepped in it as a small bunch of kids. Little by little with hard practice, dedication, eagerness with patience, we became a part of it, of course it became a part of us. Since, it has been our soul & we were one family. We started before the sun cheerfully,& end up just before the sun delightfully, yet we never felt tired, never gave up.Because  Altogether we had only one goal, to become the best day by day in every way.

We had our own traditions & customs which really drove us to learn how to be with others & respect others, share the happiness as well as sorrow, control anger & ignore tiredness.Of course it inspired us to achieve our academic goals too with flying colors  making both parents & teachers really happy & proud about us.
Most of the parents are very scared to let their children to do extra things because they believe that then they won’t be successful in academic life. But they have no sense of what sort of a strong power it gives which could take them far beyond than even they expected. Of course we had that power of facing any kind of a challenge with guts & waiting with patience till we become successful, while the rest never thought of even trying for it.

Of course behind all the success stories, there was a strong shelter for us, simply we called him our father & we all were his own daughters, Our Master Mr.J.Maddumabandara.The huge strength behind us for 20 years, sacrificing his whole life & happiness even ignoring the  betterment of his own. Without him, we would never come this far with a successful story like this. All what we achieved are simply because of him, no argument.
We owe it forever for the massive experience given us to become complete, applicable personalities to the society with a human face.

Till the last breath LOVE YOU WESTERN BAND !


The Welcome Presentation of Neth-Ima 2013


  1. its a really inspirational saga.. what you have done together as a team is an ultimate inspiration to thousands of juniors of your school..great piece of writing..

  2. surely. you found your freedom in music

  3. Thank you very much sir & the anonymous friend for the admiration
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